Dermatology Handbook

The professional's guide to product selection




A no-sting barrier film to protect the skin from harmful effects of urine, faeces, wound exudate and medical adhesives. Available as aerosol spray and wipes.

Clinifilm Barrier Cream

Clinifilm Barrier Cream

Clinifilm Barrier Cream is formulated to be a skin neutral, pH balanced, concentrated cream, providing a long-lasting, no-sting barrier from bodily fluids, to intact and mildly damaged skin. Its non-greasy finish is formulated with patient comfort in mind. Use of this latex and fragrance-free cream allows adhesive products to effectively adhere to the skin and will not block incontinence pads.

Coa-Comp M

A lightweight, cost-effective automatic electro-coagulator, making it ideal for any surgical environment demanding precise bipolar coagulation.



Cocois is a combination of coal tar, salicylic acid and sulphur, which are widely used in the treatment of hyperkeratotic and scaling skin conditions. Coal tar is antipruritic, keratoplastic and a weak antiseptic. Salicylic acid has keratolytic properties. Sulphur is keratolytic, with weak antiseptic and parasiticide properties

Comfifast Easywrap

Dressing retention and garment for wet and dry wrapping in the treatment of atopic eczema.

ComfiFAST Easywrap Garments

A range of easy-to-apply, washable garments used in wet and dry wrapping for the treatment of atopic eczema. Easywrap garments are available for children, teenagers and adults